Cognitive Functions: Introverted Feeling – Extroverted Intuition – Introverted Sensing – Extroverted Thinking
How the rut develops: When they first sense a problem developing, the INFP will withdraw and attempt to sort through their feelings about the situation. They may spend a larger than normal amount of time alone as they work through which of their ideals and morals can help them sort through the situation. If they cannot make sense of their feelings, the INFP will incorporate more of their extroverted intuition into the mix. In this phase, they will try to brainstorm as many ideas as possible that might help pull them out of their negative headspace. If this also does not help, the INFP may default to their introverted sensing. In this phase, they will turn to tried-and-true methods of pulling themselves together – they will understand that they are under stress, so they will consider what has helped them in the past and will turn to old coping mechanisms. If even this fails to help, the INFP may fall prey to their inferior function.
What the rut looks like: An INFP in a rut reverts to their extroverted thinking. This normally creative individual will become fixated on making the most logical choices available and will lose their creative edge. They will convince themselves that they are nobody special and therefore should not pursue a life of passion. They may get stuck at a job or in a relationship that suppresses their creativity and prevents them from adhering to their personal values.
How to get out of it: To break out of a rut, the INFP needs to get back in touch with their introverted feeling. They need validation – whether interpersonal or individual – that their creative side is both appreciated and admired. They need to surround themselves with people who understand them and pursue a field of work or study that lines up with their personal values. Above all else, the INFP needs to feel as though they’re getting back in touch with the most authentic version of themselves.
What their return to health will look like: As their mindset improves, the INFP will become more and more interested in creative pursuits. Their self-confidence will grow and they will steadily give themselves additional license to pursue what they are interested in and passionate about. They will no longer feel the need to defend their choices based on practicality – they will feel confident that they are living in line with their values and that will be what matters to them most.
read through this. by the end, the only feeling i have is that, i may have been fighting too hard for so long, and/or for something that is not rightfully mine to build or develop...
still don't know if i'm in the right path haha. if there is even a path. if i am even doing anything to clear up a path.