so... what did i become an artist for?

i suppose i could draw... a little...

but i'm seeing how my friends can actually draw... and i feel like i shouldn't even be in the same group as them...

i do feel out of place sometimes... it's like, why are you guys so interested in comics or tv shows or robots and i'm not?

and this les miserables thing... i don't even think i'm actually playing as Lesgle... i mean i haven't even seen him in the movie yet lol.


i think i'm just trying to make a niche for myself, find out what i really want and who i really am or what i'm really made of.

right now, i feel like there are times when i'm just dragging my friends down... keeping them from progressing because of my advices or opinions...

sometimes i don't know anymore if they actually are special like that or they themselves are also trying to find out what they're made of...

don't get me wrong, i do love them. it's just... that feeling of being out of place sometimes... it's like we're all welcome in each other's company but... i wouldn't really be able to catch up with them even if i tried...