I know that i'm not obviously indicative of who i'm pertaining to when i write posts from my hopeless romantic side, but i wish some sort of initiative would come from you... i just wish for it. It's just a dream. I want to be angry or sad. I want to be able to ask for something from you. But i don't really have the guts nor the right to do so. I shouldn't really be expecting anything. It's not like it's mutual, and i'm aware of that, and it makes it all the more frustrating. And i still want for some sort of reaction from you, some sort of care, some sort of afterthought even, some sort of specified presence for. And i feel so stupid for waiting for something that i'm not initiating, because i don't feel like i can initiate it, i don't feel like i should initiate it... because the worst kind of rejection comes from being put away to collect dust...

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