i'm having a headache. great.

why does it always hurt so much when people question my words?

i feel like i cannot be fully trusted. like my past is not clean, which it isn't, and it's destroying my present.

like everything i've worked hard for since my dark days are just for naught.

it's always a huge blow to my ego when someone questions me. i try very hard to only ever share and distribute facts. i don't want to people to be led astray by me. and yet... it's like some people don't have filters for what is true and what is not. cynics, maybe.

but that a person who doesn't even talk to you, forces you to bask in his/her cynical glory, is such a rude action.

civility can only be attained if at least one person in a group can stick with enough sanity to clean the mess up.

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