It's like looking at a mirror and seeing the beauty and the flaws, but feeling that the reflected beauty is just superficial and not yours, and the reflected flaws are fully and truly yours, and that you are passing them off to the beautiful reflection that is not you...

I can almost see what you're doing, how you think, what you feel, how you decide on things. I can almost see what is happening in your life, except that difference are differences, and you cannot manipulate these differences into similarities, as that would mean fooling yourself into believing something not true.

But what if I'm right...? What if in 20 years time, I would be mirroring your actions?

It's kinda scary, kinda fascinating, outright outrageous. I want to see confirmations or negations. I want to see some black and white. All I've been basing upon are grays, and if this gray cloud suddenly opens up, I am definitely going to fall and crack.

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