Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again?
- wala ko nun
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
- i dunno... not expecting
Does your ex hate you?
- ...
What are you mad about right now?
- la naman
What does the last text message you received say?
- kwentong lola XD
What song lyric, if any, is stuck in your head at the moment?
- jai ho
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a T?
- nope. i haven't kissed anyone outside my family.
What if your ex shows up at your door?
- abay malabo ka kausap gid
Who’s the 4th person under B in your contacts?
- bernadette
Does anyone have a heart next to their name?
- lapake XD
Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
- cguro cold, but not freezing cold
Lose a best friend lately?
- nope. don't wish to.
Have you told anybody you loved them today?
- nope hehe. im not expressive.
Are you okay with your boyfriend/girlfriend being friends with an ex?
- why not? kung ex ko, di naman ako bi e hahahaha
Are you a jealous person?
- dun think so
Are you excited about anything?
- erm... thesis! believe it or not!
Do you think that you’re a good person?
- i try my best to be
Have you known any of your friends for most of your life?
- yah.
Last person you talked to?
- ian. chat.
What are you stressing out over?
- thesis din.
Have you spoke to anyone on the phone today?
- nope
What are you doing tonight?
- study and sleep
Who was the last person to sit on your bed?
- my mom..
Are you high?
- NO! sa barnis oo kanina sa starbucks
Can you whistle?
- yap
Do you watch college sports?
- not really.
Did you cry today?
- hmmm wala pa naman
Was yesterday better than today?
- hindi dahil may sakit ako
When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?
- hmmmm... nung nag away kami ni janus
Do you believe that any of your ex's think about you?
- wala nga akong ex... grrrr
What are you currently hearing?
- bla bla...
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