it's been almost a week now. maybe two.

how do you describe feelings? how do you describe the innocent happiness and exultation that one feels after seeing someone who he/she wishes to know more?

what if i was only looking for a brother, but my eyesight is veiled by the idea of love? what if i only deserved a guardian, not a loved one?

it's not actually a question of what if. it's a question of discernment. how can i distinguish between love and the need for a mentor?

i have been acting like a stalker these past few days. i have seen a lot of... activity. he is everywhere. he is a link that binds a group to another group, a sort of bridge that has mediating and equalizing abilities.

how should i resist? it is charm. it is charm that i know has more a chance of downfall than a chance of success.

i am a girl. partly woman. i know how to love. but i still don't know when to stop loving.

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